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If you’re like us, you likely have had trouble fitting in a workout into your busy schedule. Whether you’re a parent and/or working professional, we know how time can feel like it slips away from us. And if we did have a workout planned, it tends to get pushed down on the list of priorities throughout the day. We’ve been there and are here to help! 

Here is our 3 step process to getting movement in your busy day or week…

  1. For long term success you will need to schedule or plan out your workout times each week. As Joel says, “What gets scheduled gets done.” And I get it (Emily speaking here), even if you schedule it in you may not follow along. Been there plenty of times myself. Yet if you put effort and time into each week (most the time) to reviewing your calendar, you will have the ability to get a workout in, because the time is there for you. One way to do this is to take 15 minutes each Sunday to review your schedule. Look at each day and when you can get a workout in. How much time do you want to devote to it, how much time is realistic? Are you getting to bed on time to even start your day how you want to? Our goal here at Proclivity is to get at least 15 minutes of movement a day, most days (ideally every day). This is where body weight and home (or office) workouts come in real handy. More on that below…
  1. Have a back up workout plan for the days that get tight or when you may not have a plan. I know I’ve PLENTY of days where my child wakes up early when I normally workout, or some work meetings go over and time seems to have escaped. And that is when we get down to business in standing up to ourselves and having a non-negotiable time to get movement in. And setting boundaries. That may mean you shut your computer down with unread emails, or a project unfinished for the day. Most things can indeed wait. It’s a matter of your perspective on it. It may mean you take your kids on a walk and do some air squats, push ups and jog around. Or communicate with your partner that you need 15 minutes to yourself before dinner to move your body in the garage or living room. It may not be “sexy” and you may be getting your movement in your work clothes and getting a tad sweaty. That’s OK 🙂 Finding a little bit of time to do SOMEthing is always going to have you feeling better, looking better, and staying consistent for long term health and happiness. 
  1. Lastly, give yourself grace. If you find yourself short on time or even missing a workout, know that it is OK. You can skip a day. You can do a 5 minute workouts. If you can give yourself grace and credit in even the smallest of things, it’s guaranteed you’ll keep on moving forward and get going again the next time. When we shame ourselves, or even think we can’t get a good workout in in 10 minutes, we won’t do it. And then that leads to shame, guilt, and – not doing it! So we might as well take a different approach that leads to more consistency and less shaming. We promise you’ll feel and notice a big difference. 

Final Words of Advice…

We know that staying consistent daily and weekly – even if that means 15 minutes/day – is more important than getting to the hour long Crossfit or pilates class 1-2x/week with no movement the other days. Remember to think simple. Something is better than nothing. And we can continue to move forward and make new choices anytime you want. If you need help, book a free call with us to see if we are a good fit for you in The Proclivity Method!

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