Run Longer.

Run Pain-Free.

Burn More Fat, Faster.

Discover How To Alleviate Running Pain, Make Running Easier and Enhance Fat & Weight Loss.

April 20th | 9:30 AM-12:30 PM

CrossFit Bangarang

Secure My Spot

Do you ever ask yourself:

  • Why does my knee hurt when I run?
  • Why do I start breathing heavily so quickly when I run?
  • Why do my shoulders and neck get so tight on runs?
  • Why do my feet and shins ache after running?
  • Why do I have negative experiences when I run?

Running isn’t that difficult though – is it?

It’s just putting one foot in front of the other until it’s over — right?

There’s a lot that goes into running from a nutritional, psychological, and physiological perspective. It’s no surprise running is an unenjoyable, painful experience for the majority of people, causing them to limit the amount of it they do.

It’s also no surprise that those very people struggle to achieve their body composition and weight loss goals WITHOUT running as a consistent part of their training.

It’s been proven that if you want to burn fat…

…and a lot of it, very fast — operating in Zone 2 is more effective than anything else.

The latest research says these effects can be compounded with the introduction of “metabolic flexibility” thanks to its powerful physiological effects of creating the perfect fat-burning state.

It creates more energy, increases performance, and amplifies the fat-burning effects of being in a Zone 2 state.

Exclusive Workshop with the Experts at Proclivity

At the upcoming exclusive workshop with the experts at Proclivity, you will learn how to combine the hyper-effective fat-loss aspects of running with metabolic conditioning. But that’s not all…

…you’ll also be walked through one of the best “running” workshops in the world to help you discover the different types of running and when to use them, why running is painful for 9 in 10 people, the proper mechanics for running pain-free, and much more.

April 20th | 9:30 AM-12:30 PM

CrossFit Bangarang

Secure My Spot

If you want to:

  • Burn more fat and lose more weight faster
  • Run pain-free and actually enjoy it
  • Learn an easy eating system that enhances fat + weight loss
  • Understand how your shoes and equipment are the cause of your running pain and the simple changes to make for immediate changes
  • …and much more

Our upcoming exclusive Proclivity workshop is for YOU.

At the upcoming exclusive Proclivity Running Workshop, you’ll discover:

  • Efficiency-boosting running techniques that help you run faster and longer without any pain, all thanks to “The Pose Method.”
  • Nutrition practices for sustained energy during long runs and workouts without the heavy, bloated feeling.
  • Custom-tailored mindset coaching to help you turn running into something you enjoy.
  • The “new formula” of metabolic flexibility and how it’s the perfect partner for running to rapidly burn fat, lose weight and keep it off for the long-term.
  • Essential shoes and gear that are tailored to your body and your goals.
  • How to break through running plateaus to run longer, faster, and burn more fat without pain.

Due to the intimate nature of the workshop, the 1:1 coaching structure, and the individualized attention given, we are limiting the number of students that can attend so they all receive the quality and attention they deserve.

Secure your spot now and learn to love running, run pain-free, and eat in a way that maximizes your fat loss thanks to “The Pose Method” and metabolic flexibility.

April 20th | 9:30 AM-12:30 PM

CrossFit Bangarang

Secure My Spot

The Workshop: A Breakdown

Understanding The Mechanics of Running

The workshop will begin with a “mindset audit” of why we love (or don’t love) running and dive deep into all the reasons why running is painful for the majority of people. You’ll discover the proper mechanics for pain-free running — individualized to your body type and preferred running style — and be guided through an expert review of the best shoes and gear for your goals.

LIVE Coaching: Applying Technique

Be introduced to the world-class “Pose Method” of running, made famous by the incredible Nicholas Romanov. You’ll also get real-world experience and coaching on how to put your new pain-free mechanics to the test, receiving an expert video analysis to help streamline and fast-track the changes you get to make.

Metabolic Flexibility + Running = Rapid Fat Loss

Did you know the “old way” of fueling has actually been proven to be detrimental for performance and weight loss? During this session of the workshop, you’ll learn how to guarantee your fastest and easiest fat-loss to date — thanks to the power of metabolic flexibility.

April 20th | 9:30 AM-12:30 PM

CrossFit Bangarang

Secure My Spot

About Proclivity

Emily Rodela

Owner | Nutrition Coach

Chronic bloating. Food sensitivities. Dermatitis. Lupus. Hashimotos. Kidney stones, fainting, period loss, grand mal seizures, and more… Emily experienced poor health and overcame it all using diet and lifestyle. Now, she uses what she’s learned to guide others in the health & nutrition space today. A wife and mother, Emily spends her time with family, hiking, hunting, enjoying CrossFit, and more. Working with clients one-on-one to overcome their specific health issues, Emily loves diving deep into supporting people to learn how to feel better, look better, and live longer, happier lives.

Joel Cochran

Owner | Life Coach

With over 10 years of experience in the health and fitness field as a coach, and a diverse background in leadership, consulting, life coaching, business development, non-profit organizational work, and more – Joel has the experience & skills to support professionals and entrepreneurs get back in control of their health and lives. Using his Bachelor’s Degree in Communications (*minoring in Community Health Science), and his experience in owning and operating multiple businesses, Joel has helped thousands of individuals overcome personal and professional barriers to create a life they love without sacrificing the success they want.